I saw an interesting film by the Japanese filmmaker Teshigahara yesterday evening. Actually, I saw two interesting films by him, but the one that got me thinking most was called "Antonio Gaud
í." It was a visual essay of the Catalan architect's buildings in and around Barcelona, showing his influences, style, works, etc. Other than a small bit of narration at the end, it was just images. But the images were so visually interesting that nothing more was needed. Seeing the film did a couple of things to me. Firstly, it made me want to go back to Barcelona. Secondly, it reminded me of my first view of Gaud
í's Sagrada Familia. I'm not sure if I had seen pictures beforehand, though I assume I had. I was walking down a street, following a not very good map, heading in the general direction of the temple, when I turned a corner and there it was, in all it's absurd, ridiculous and yet somehow majestic glory. As I stood on that corner looking at it, I started laughing, probably out loud (as only crazy people do when they're alone.) Remembering that tonight got me thinking about architecture. Now, I live in a city which many people would say is beautiful, but if I think about it what is beautiful about it? The mountains? The ocean? Did we build those? The geography surrounding Vancouver is beautiful, but what of the city itself? There are maybe 5 buildings in Vancouver that are noteworthy or visually interesting and I'm being generous in case I've forgotten a few. Sure, there are plenty of nice houses but nothing in the urban landscape here stands out, nothing is visionary or interesting or even absurd. Like this:

When I first saw this building I hated it, but the more I think about it, the more I love it. It is different, it stands out, and yes, it is crazy but you can't pass by without noticing it. It makes you aware of your surroundings. I've been in a few beautiful cities around the world, a few ugly ones, and a whole lot of mundane ones. I don't think Vancouver is ugly, but why can't our architecture be brilliant? Why can't we have structures that make me want to look at them, study them, love or hate them, talk about them, but most of all, not be oblivious to them? Sure, buildings need to be functional, but why can't they be fun and exciting too? Maybe I need to switch careers, become an architect and start designing the types of buildings I want to see. But then who would build them? Maybe I just need to move to Barcelona.