
Hooked on the Hoff!

I have a new favourite viral interweb video ever...

The first joker to make a comment about him being huge in Germany will be found, castigated and given a lecture about their lack of cultural sensitivity.


Marcel Marceau R.I.P.

Words would be pointless.


Yet Another Grind Update.

I apologise in advance for its tardiness. So, last week we did the Grind again and we each set a personal best. They were, in descending order:

And as for SB, yours truly:


Just Drive.

Do you ever, when you're driving to work, or wherever it is you're driving in the morning, long to just skip that last turn and keep on driving? Maybe head for the highway or a quiet country road? Put on Neil Young or Ryan Adams or Hank Williams or CCR or whatever your favourite driving music happens to be? Wind the window down? Let the wind blow your hair and face while you cruise along, singing your heart out?

Or if you're taking the bus to work, you want to miss your stop, sit on the bus until the end of the line? Get off the bus and explore some new and interesting looking neighbourhood? Spend the whole day riding around, letting your mind wander wherever it may?

Or if you're biking to work, cycle right on by and head for a trail somewhere? Follow the trail to a lake or a pond in the woods? Let the day pass while you stand at the water's edge skipping stones over its calm surface?

Or instead of walking to work you walk to the beach and plant yourself on a bench? Sit and watch the world wander by as the sun warms your face and you slowly sip your coffee?

Or maybe you don't even bother leaving for work at all? You sit on your couch and play your guitar or read a book, watch the shadows crawl across the room?

What I'm asking, I suppose, is do you ever want to feel like your time is your own, like you're doing what ever it is you want to do with it, instead of feeling like you're trading away yet another day of your life in exchange for a bit of money?

Another Grind Update.

We did the Grind again last evening. I completed it in 40:56. While I didn't think I could actually beat 40 minutes this time, I was annoyed with myself for not having done so. Indeed, the first word out of my mouth after touching the post at the top was a four letter expletive that begins with F and ends with U-C-K. Apparently I need to do it again next week. Possibly even the week after. On a brighter note, congratulations are in order for PK who finally beat the 50 minute mark with an excellent 48:56.


Little People.

A guy walks into a bar with a midget on his shoulder.

It sounds like a joke.

But it's not, it really happened. I and at least 3 others saw it. And we weren't even that loaded. Nor had any hallucinogenics been taken.