
Pizza of the Day!

I call this pizza the Green-Preserve-Pizza. Besides the usual cheese and tomato sauce and tofu, this pizza has green olives, capers, and a pickled jalapeño pepper. See...those three items are both green and preserved. There's a reason one of us is writing this blog while the rest of you are just reading it.

A Trip to the Record Shop!

Merchandise table at the Rickshaw.



Карпов против Каспарова


22-24 сентября

Валенсия, Испания.


The Weird Book Room

I recently received an invitation from Abebooks to check out their Weird Book Room. It's a pretty fantastic collection of literary oddities, some of my favourites being:

-The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories
-Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them
-Cheese Problems Solved
-The Thermodynamics of Pizza
-Nuclear War: What's in It for You?

And on and on they go. It's worth checking out.

Pizza of the Day!

Данас је пица моцарела је и швајцарски сир, маслине, тофуа, тиквице, парадајз, песто и гљива.


A Trip to the Record Shop!

Three different days, three different records, two different record stores and one merchandise table. In reverse chronological order...




From Trackosaurus Rex.

Four Minutes Well Spent...

Just think...in the time you were watching that, those guys ran a mile. And what did you do? Nothing. You just sat there. Now get outside and do something.