I've had a cellphone for the past two years now. When I took the phone out of its package there was a little sheet of plastic protecting the screen. Two years later, it's still there. It's not that I have a particularly nice or expensive cellphone with a screen that needs protecting. No, it's a monochrome, low-resolution deal. I just want the screen to be in good condition, so I have never taken the little sheet of plastic off. It's a good thing too, as that sheet of plastic is all scuffed and marked and scratched. Had I have taken it off that is what my screen would now look like. One might argue the point of having a pristine screen that can't be seen but I know it is under there, just waiting for me to peel that little bit of plastic away. And I will too. One day.
I like to think that I take good care of my belongings and this is one example of that. Other people, however, have a different take on it. "Anal," they say. Hmm!

The reason I bring this all up is recently I was given an ipod. A nice one. A really nice one. With a video screen. A multi-colour, high-resolution video screen. The type of screen that you'd really want to protect. Of course, the ipod came with that same little sheet of plastic, which is, of course, still there. But this time, I am going to peel it off.
Yup, just as soon as I buy a hard plastic case with a screen protector!
Are you Asian? That's what we do! My microwave still has the plastic sheet over the buttons and it's well over 5 years old. If that l'il sheet was removed, the microwave would be filthy and crusty, but it's not. Well, the sheet is but not the actual microwave. Also, my cell phone still has the scuffed piece of plastic on it. My Chinese and Philipina friends and I discuss the plastic sheet often. We think it's cuz we're Asian but maybe it's simply cuz we're anal. !!!
You think just a little anal?????
Cute. Mops.
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