As of yesterday at about 17h30, I am now officially on hiatus. You may recall (though I don't know why you would) that about 10 months ago I wrote about my desire to do absolutely nothing. Now that I'm on hiatus my wish has finally come true. Which means that today is pretty much the best day ever. I got up this morning, lazed about in my housecoat for a while drinking coffee, had some breakfast, went for a run around Trout Lake, had some perogies for lunch, went to the studio to get my pay cheque (there's a wonderful feeling to reaping the fruits of your labours while not actually performing any of those labours), walked up The Drive to go to the library, had an espresso at Abruzzo, did some grocery shopping, then came home and I'm now making an eggplant, green-onion, tomato curry for my dinner. After dinner I'll go see a movie, then go to meet a friend for a beer. I suppose that all sounds like a lot for doing nothing, but it's all things I wanted to do and didn't have to do. And you know what I'm going to do tomorrow? Whatever the hell I feel like. (NB: That will not include packing up or cleaning out any one's garage, be they friend or otherwise. You know who you are.)
Blue Monday!
Did everyone feel crappy yesterday? A UK scientist, Dr. Cliff Arnall, has come up with a formula to determine the most depressing day of the year and that day was yesterday. It's a combination of factors including it being a Monday, the crappy weather, people having a poor self-image following their holiday binging, New Year's resolutions coming off the rails and people feeling financially strapped as the credit card bills from their holiday over-spending start to pour in. And I thought it was just me.
For those of you interested, here's the formula: (lifted directly from Portsmouth Today)
1/8 of W + (D-d) multiplied by 3/8 of TQ. This is then divided by the result of M multiplied by NA.
W is weather, D is debt – minus the money (d) due on January's pay day – and T is the time since we were actually enjoying ourselves at Christmas. Q is how much time has passed since we quit a bad habit (by the end of the month we are more likely to be back on the fags again), M stands for general motivational levels and NA is the need to get off our backsides and do something about it.
For those of you interested, here's the formula: (lifted directly from Portsmouth Today)
1/8 of W + (D-d) multiplied by 3/8 of TQ. This is then divided by the result of M multiplied by NA.
W is weather, D is debt – minus the money (d) due on January's pay day – and T is the time since we were actually enjoying ourselves at Christmas. Q is how much time has passed since we quit a bad habit (by the end of the month we are more likely to be back on the fags again), M stands for general motivational levels and NA is the need to get off our backsides and do something about it.
Based on the dearth of new entries, you can probably tell that I haven't had much interest in writing here of late. For a number of reasons, I seem to be running out of steam with blogging. I'm not sure if it's seasonal or personal, but I just haven't felt like writing, like forcing myself to come up with new entries, interesting or otherwise. I'm far too careful and guarded a person to write openly and honestly about personal matters here and lately that's where my mind has been. And because that's where my mind has been, I haven't really been bothered about writing the usual trite fluff that ends up here, which in turn makes me ask myself, why bother at all? A couple of times in the past couple of weeks my finger has been hovering over the delete button, yet for whatever reason, I hesitate. It's only vanity to think that my blog actually matters, when there are roughly twelve million three hundred and forty two thousand, six hundred and eighty seven other blogs, many of them well and thoughtfully written and more deserving of your time, dealing with important issues and not just recycling humourous You Tube videos and funny stories I come across on the interweb. I realise that friends and family read this, and part of my original reason for writing a blog was so that people I'm not very good at staying in touch with would know what's going on in my life. But as I wrote earlier, I don't really write about personal issues here, so after reading this, they still won't really know what's going on in my life. Here's a novel idea: take the time I spend blogging and use that towards keeping in touch with the people that matter to me. Don't worry (there's that vanity again) I'm not going to do anything rash like delete it all right now. I'm going to think about it a bit, see if maybe it's just a phase or if my interest will reawaken. Who knows, maybe I'll be back stronger than ever. Maybe I'll even write about something that really matters to me or means something to me. But don't be too surprised if I don't either. Until then, muchachos, keep on keeping on.
Floor crosser!
I've just learned some disturbing news. Other than a few months when I first moved to Vancouver and a summer spent in a beach house, I've prided myself on living in (The People's Republic Of) East Vancouver. I like the fact that I live in a leftist feminist pinko commie part of the city that for all but 9 of the past 71 years has been represented by either the NDP or it's predecessor, the CCF. Okay, background out of the way, here's the bad news...
I've recently moved, well within East Vancouver still, but unbeknownst to me, I moved 3 streets out of the Vancouver East riding. That means I now live in the Vancouver Kingsway riding. That means that shameful, floor crossing, turn-coat David Emerson is now my member of parliament. A conservative. Yuck. Bring on the election.
I've recently moved, well within East Vancouver still, but unbeknownst to me, I moved 3 streets out of the Vancouver East riding. That means I now live in the Vancouver Kingsway riding. That means that shameful, floor crossing, turn-coat David Emerson is now my member of parliament. A conservative. Yuck. Bring on the election.
Best Albums of 2006
Because I like lists and because it is the time of year when people make lists, here is my list of the best albums from 2006. They're not really in any kind of order, they just are.
Return To Cookie Mountain by TV On The Radio
A good, somewhat challenging listen, but definitely worth it...also, one of the highest energy concerts I've been to in years. And I love Kyp Malone's hair.
St. Elsewhere by Gnarls Barkley
Eight or nine months on and I still can't get "Crazy" out of my head.
The Life Pursuit by Belle & Sebastian
Maybe not their best album, but getting back to form, and in the single "Another Sunny Day," they have what is my pick for song of the year. Hands down, I listened to that song more than any other last year.
Studio One DJ's Volume 2 by Various Artists
I love these Soul Jazz Records re-releases of Studio One material. This one picks up where volume one left off...
Studio One Scorchers Volume 2 by Various Artists
See above. Substitute Scorchers for DJ's.
Awoo by The Hidden Cameras
A very catchy album from a very good Toronto band.
Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen
I know that this came out in 1982, but I don't care. I discovered it in '06 and have probably listened to it more times than some albums I've had since 1982.
Cansei De Ser Sexy by Cansei De Ser Sexy
You've got to like a band that starts off their debut album with a song called CSS Suxx when they are in fact the CSS in question.
Game Theory by The Roots
Perhaps the best album by one of the best hip-hop bands ever.
The Dusty Foot Philosopher by K'Naan
I'm not sure if this came out in late 2005 or early 2006, but again I don't care. Tales of growing up in post melt-down Mogadishu by this Toronto-based, Somali-born rapper, among other things. Good stuff.
Jamaica To Toronto: Soul, Funk & Reggae 1967-1974 by Various Artists
A great collection of tracks from a bunch of JA expats living in Toronto, some well known, some not known at all. Vancouver based DJ Sipreano spent 3 years compiling, researching and tracking down some of the artists and I'm glad he did. This album sheds some light on a little known part of Canadian musical history. The music itself, not surprisingly considering the title, is a smooth blend of soul, funk and reggae, often all at the same time.
Fox Confessor Brings The Flood by Neko Case
She just seems to get better with each album.
Panic When You Find It by Young & Sexy
An excellent album from an excellent Vancouver band, and hey, I used to work at a bakery with the lead singer/songwriter/guitarist.
Everything All The Time by Band Of Horses
I know I said that this wasn't in any order, but if I had have done this as a countdown, this album would be in this, the final spot. It is currently my favourite album and has been since I got it. And I think it will be for some time, at least until the new Shins album comes out at the end of this month, which I fully expect will be a mainstay of my listening for 2007 and will be on this list, should I do it again next year.
Return To Cookie Mountain by TV On The Radio
A good, somewhat challenging listen, but definitely worth it...also, one of the highest energy concerts I've been to in years. And I love Kyp Malone's hair.
St. Elsewhere by Gnarls Barkley
Eight or nine months on and I still can't get "Crazy" out of my head.
The Life Pursuit by Belle & Sebastian
Maybe not their best album, but getting back to form, and in the single "Another Sunny Day," they have what is my pick for song of the year. Hands down, I listened to that song more than any other last year.
Studio One DJ's Volume 2 by Various Artists
I love these Soul Jazz Records re-releases of Studio One material. This one picks up where volume one left off...
Studio One Scorchers Volume 2 by Various Artists
See above. Substitute Scorchers for DJ's.
Awoo by The Hidden Cameras
A very catchy album from a very good Toronto band.
Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen
I know that this came out in 1982, but I don't care. I discovered it in '06 and have probably listened to it more times than some albums I've had since 1982.
Cansei De Ser Sexy by Cansei De Ser Sexy
You've got to like a band that starts off their debut album with a song called CSS Suxx when they are in fact the CSS in question.
Game Theory by The Roots
Perhaps the best album by one of the best hip-hop bands ever.
The Dusty Foot Philosopher by K'Naan
I'm not sure if this came out in late 2005 or early 2006, but again I don't care. Tales of growing up in post melt-down Mogadishu by this Toronto-based, Somali-born rapper, among other things. Good stuff.
Jamaica To Toronto: Soul, Funk & Reggae 1967-1974 by Various Artists
A great collection of tracks from a bunch of JA expats living in Toronto, some well known, some not known at all. Vancouver based DJ Sipreano spent 3 years compiling, researching and tracking down some of the artists and I'm glad he did. This album sheds some light on a little known part of Canadian musical history. The music itself, not surprisingly considering the title, is a smooth blend of soul, funk and reggae, often all at the same time.
Fox Confessor Brings The Flood by Neko Case
She just seems to get better with each album.
Panic When You Find It by Young & Sexy
An excellent album from an excellent Vancouver band, and hey, I used to work at a bakery with the lead singer/songwriter/guitarist.
Everything All The Time by Band Of Horses
I know I said that this wasn't in any order, but if I had have done this as a countdown, this album would be in this, the final spot. It is currently my favourite album and has been since I got it. And I think it will be for some time, at least until the new Shins album comes out at the end of this month, which I fully expect will be a mainstay of my listening for 2007 and will be on this list, should I do it again next year.
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