WARNING: The following post contains mascots!
I'm a little disturbed right now. I was watching Arsenal trounce Aston Villa today. Right at the start of the second half Thierry Henry scored a sweet goal, as he does, but as the ball was flying into the top corner, I noticed a large green thing running behind the net. Watching the replay I focused on that large green thing, and what it was, was this:

Dear readers, this is the Gunnersaurus Rex. In the past 15 years I have watched a lot of Arsenal games, far too many by some accounts, and not once have I been subjected to that. No wonder the Aston Villa goalkeeper let so much by him today (5 goals if you care); he was afraid of that thing behind him. I had no idea Arsenal had a mascot. I had no idea that European sports and soccer teams in particular had mascots, a clearly ridiculous North American phenomenon, as far as I was concerned, limited mostly to baseball. Sure, the Vancouver Whitecaps have that stupid duck, but it's, you know, for the kids. But Arsenal? My beloved Arsenal? With a mascot? A dinosaur? What the hell does a dinosaur have to do with the Arsenal? I'm hoping that this all fades from memory, that I don't see the Gunnersaurus Rex again for the next 15 years, and I can forget this whole sordid affair.
For those of you who are curious,
here is a link to all of the Premiership clubs' mascots.
Here is a link where you can see the Whitecaps duck, along with other USL mascots, including Portland's Timber Jim. If you'll notice, Timber Jim isn't a mascot, it's a guy.
DISCLAIMER: The Organ Grinder's Monkey in no way condones violent assaults upon mascots, though upon reflection may find them humourous.
That's funny!
Clearly, these are not football fans, but rather 'Furries' who have conned the world into celebrating their public sexual exploits.
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