
Back In The Oven

Those of you who remember the tragedy I suffered recently should be happy to know that I am to be numbered once again among those who have pizza stones in one solid piece. Thanks to Ming Wo for exchanging their faulty goods and thanks to Donna for arranging and performing the exchange. And thanks to whoever it was that invented pizza. Unless that person was an Italian, then I'm not sure I can be too thankful towards you yet, as I'm still not quite over Germany being knocked out of the World Cup by the Italians. Perhaps eating pizza is my first step towards healing. Anyway, I made my first pizza with new stone today. The toppings: zucchini, tofu, tomatoes, tomato sauce, garlic stuffed green olives, and mozzarella and cheddar cheeses.A tasty success and as you can see, the stone remains whole.


Anonymous said...

that pizza looks delish!

SB said...

It was delicious.

Anonymous said...

Can you make nachos on those things?