I like pizza as much as Sparky likes prime numbers, which is a lot. Happy 37thmuchacho!
Today's pizza has marinated tofu, spinach, tomatoes, green olives and garlic. And if you'll excuse me, I will now go eat it.
Thanks Muchacho!!! It was good to see you last night.
ps. the largest known prime today is the 9808358 digit mersenne prime 2 X (exponent)32582657-1 found in September 2006. I missed this in the news that day.
Thanks Muchacho!!! It was good to see you last night.
ps. the largest known prime today is the 9808358 digit mersenne prime 2 X (exponent)32582657-1 found in September 2006. I missed this in the news that day.
Somehow I missed that too.
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