I was reading an article about
Ian MacKaye in
Exclaim last week and since then I've been giving myself a crash refresher course in hardcore. And what I want to know is this: Bad Brains...how come no one ever made me listen to them? How come no one sat me down and said, "you need to hear this?" I always wrote them off as just another hardcore band, never knowing what I was missing. Their mix of hardcore, reggae and dub is good. Very good.
Oh man, they are great. I've got that on vinyl, but it originally only available on cassette. Probably the most important HD album to come out of the northern states.
Sorry, I man "most important HC album"...
Everything Went Black by Black Flash and Bloodied But Unbowed by DOA are also very good. Everything Went Black contains my favourite HC recordings ever.
sorry I'm at work... "Black Flag", not "Black Flash" duh! gotta go byeeee
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