I went to the dentist today to have a filling that I'd had replaced a few months ago replaced yet again, as it has been bothering me for some time. I got in the chair, the dentist froze my mouth then started drilling. Now, having high-powered metal tools whirring and grinding away inside your head is never pleasant, but usually it is no more than annoying or uncomfortable, for me at least. But this time, a few minutes into the drilling excruciating pain shot up the side of my head. I raised my hand, which the dentist had told me to do if it hurt, and he stopped. For whatever reason the freezing hadn't worked as well as it ought to have, so he refroze it, waited for it to take effect, then started drilling again. But again a few minutes into the drilling it started to hurt again, not as bad as the first time, but still a lot more pain then I'd experienced in a dentist's chair before, so again I raised my hand. He then brought out the big guns, some super-duper freezing that I'd never needed before. For the most part that did the trick and the procedure continued with some painful sensitivity but nothing I couldn't take. At least he didn't charge me for it. By the end of it the back of my t-shirt was soaked with sweat from my being so tense. And now...well, now the freezing has worn off and I figure that since I needed two and a half times the regular amount of freezing, that pain that has taken over my head is two and a half times the pain of a normal filling. And don't forget, pain is exponential. I have a question...does
Jameson's count as an acceptable pain-killer?
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