
Swimsuit Shopping

I recently learned that all women hate going shopping for bathing suits. It isn't something I'd given much thought to before, but since hearing this, my entirely unscientific research confirms this to be true. Anyhow, Laura, who is going to Hawaii "on business" soon, needed a new swimsuit. So yesterday we went shopping for one. I, being the one with the debit card, got to have my say. We chose a bunch of different tops and bottoms and Laura went in to try them on. One of the saleswomen set me up with a stool right outside of the change room, so when Laura opened the door, I was there to critique the various combinations. (Maybe that's why women hate this?) As I waited, there was another guy sitting outside of a change room as his partner tried on various suits. One of the saleswomen asked if either of us would like a magazine to look at. The magazine she was offering was the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, not surprising I suppose. The other guy said he would get busted looking at that, so I took it. Swimsuits being their business, someone had gone through the magazine, circling all of the different suits in the magazine that the store carried. As well, whoever had done it, took to critiquing some of the bathing suits. Comments were written on the page in thick black marker, saying things like "THIS DOES NOT FIT" with an arrow pointing at a particular top. One man's smut is someone else's...I don't know, something that isn't smut. Anyway, after various mix and match trials we zeroed in on a black combo, though not the top with the fake diamond bling circle between the cups, as fun as that was. As Laura got dressed again, I went to do my part. Another thing I learned yesterday...nice bathing suits are really expensive. Anyway, I think the whole process went smoothly. And Laura didn't seem to hate it too much.


Anonymous said...

Aren't you the lucky one, i didn't get the invite when Christel went shopping for her swim suit, but she described the ordeal and told me the price...WOW
Hawaii on business????????

Have fun on your "business" trip Laura.

Anonymous said...

A friend recently pointed out to me that everyone has a skill, some people are double jointed, some can sing, some can down a beer in one huge gulp. None of those are my skills, instead I seem to have an ability to land myself free trips. I'm looking forward to Hawaii, and to using my new swimsuit.